Welcome to IDEA Library. If you're new to my blog, IDEA is my hypothetical dream library.
IDEA stands for: I Do Everything Artistically, which could be altered depending on my mood, but that is what it stands for today.
My mission today is to take a peek at various learning commons and determine what qualities will truly get kids active and engaged.
I scoured the Internet for some good examples of virtual learning commons in the school media realm. Here is what I found:
Dousman Media Center
Link: https://sites.google.com/a/kmsd.edu/dousman-media-center/
It includes access to the following:
- databases
- ebooks
- safe search engines
- the catalog
- audiobooks
- online makerspace tools (jackpot!)
This led me to my next library, which puts a modern touch on their website.
Kettle Morain School District Makerspace
Link: https://sites.google.com/kmsd.edu/kmmakerspace/home?authuser=0
This school has developed Symbaloos for different types of online interactive learning:
- Creative communicators
- Designers and makers
- Critical thinkers
- Adaptive and independent
This website also has a lot of other opportunities to collaborate that go well beyond the virtual space. This is an amazing example of what the possibilities are for our own virtual learning spaces.
School District 75 Elementary Virtual Learning Commons
Link: https://sd75vlc.com/
Right away, this VLC explains its' role in 21st Century Learning using a Prezi built by the librarian:
This website includes access to:
- books
- blogs
- wonder of the day
- daily buzzwords
- Librarian tweets
- online tech tools
- curriculum
- virtual field trips (jackpot, again!)
I really loved each of these in their own way. I loved the methods of organization and the simplicity of the interfaces. The ones I didn't like had extremely busy interfaces with too much to look at for anyone to be able to navigate it properly. In order for a digital commons to work and for collaboration to take place amongst peers, access for students with all abilities is key. I knew I liked a library's website if I started going, "OHHH, THAT'S COOL!" as I clicked on each link. I have a lot to work with for my own Virtual Learning Commons.